The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency is pleased to announce the start of TestDrive Summer Youth Program for the summer 2020.

TestDrive is a partnership of the Nova Scotia Automotive Sector Council, Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (funder/partner), Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Nova Scotia Community College, Regional Centres for Education and Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial, and Industry.

2018 TestDrive Student Robin Laing

This program brings together High School students interested in the motive power trades, such as Robin Liang, with employers willing to host them for the summer in a paid work experience.  Participants in the TestDrive Program will be working in the summer and earning high school co-op credits, apprenticeship hours of practical credit, and a wage!  For students, this program provides exposure to the industry, hand-on experience in a skilled trade and awareness of career opportunities.

For employers, TestDrive provides access to potential employees and the opportunity to promote their place of business and the work in the skilled trades to high school students.

TestDrive primes interested students for either direct entry apprenticeship after high school is completed or for heading into a pre-apprenticeship program at NSCC, with a much better understanding of the realities of working in the industry.

If you are an employer interested in hosting a high school student for the summer as part of TestDrive contact the Automotive Sector Council at to find out more!