In the coming months, you will be contacted by our newest employee, Vaishnavi Godse. The Automotive Sector Council are collecting data from automotive industry employers like you, to understand our labour market through a broad survey. This survey aims to help us understand how to help businesses across NS through our training and outreach programs. It will also be helpful to make informed decisions around workforce challenges, especially after COVID-19. What kind of support do you need right now? Are you facing difficulty hiring? Your response to such questions will help us focus on creating more services and generating solutions.
Additionally, this compiled data will be accessible to you and whoever it may benefit in the form of a visual dashboard on the official website of the Association of Industry Sector Councils. We will be periodically updating the dashboard with recent data, so we are all informed! The information we collect from you will be confidential and stored in the Canadian data centre to protect your privacy. The scope of this survey extends to all of Nova Scotia to make sure all businesses are being heard. We’re hoping to uplift the automotive industry with your continued support.