At the last Board meeting of 2019, a few of our members celebrated with  a team building exercise and escaped at Mind Hack Room Escape in Dartmouth, courtesy of Shannon & Matt Hall. Pictured above are Kevin Gerrior, NSCC, Tailor Robicheau, DOT, Shannon Trites and Nikki Barnett of ASC.

We are looking forward to 2020 and taking on some great work:

A Labour Market Information committee has been convened to tackle to big job of collecting and translating who is in our Industry in this province, what they need and where they are.

A wage survey is underway, collecting valuable information around the province in rural and urban areas, different trades in different stages of training and across different sizes of organizations.

The more we know, the better we can help to connect our Industry with the resources they need to stay in business and stay competitive. We also raise our profile with our partners as the hub of Industry information.

Safety will always be our priority at the ASC and we have exciting plans to connect Industry with online training we can’t wait to share with you!

Insurance Appraisers are still pursuing their application for certification, we will keep you apprised of developments.

TestDrive is back! Have you heard? Shannon Hall has hit the road, presenting to schools across the province. Would you consider employing a student this summer? Check out details here.

Our next ASC Board meeting is in April 2020. If you’ve ever considered getting involved and representing your Industry, reach out to Executive Director Shannon Trites.

Executive Business Location
Beth McNeill Don McNeill’s Shell Elmsdale
Vice Chairperson
Craig Quaintance NAPA Autoparts Atlantic Canada
Shirley Mitchell Coast Tire & Auto Service Atlantic Canada
Shannon Trites Executive Director of Automotive Sector Council Nova Scotia
Judy Dickson Charting the Future Educational Services Nova Scotia
Tailor Robicheau Department of Transportation Mechanical Branch Millers Lake
Dennis Burke Canavans Central Appraisals Atlantic Canada
Scott Blakeney Blaikie’s Dodge, MotorHub Group Nova Scotia
John Sutherland Nova Scotia Automobile Dealers Association Nova Scotia
Leanne Jefferies Assured Performance Network & Skills Canada Collision Repair Program Canada
Gary Quigg Canadian Tire Corporate Atlantic Canada
Matt Hall Mazda Canada Inc Atlantic Canada
Rob Ward Health & Safety Officer Steel Auto Group Atlantic Canada
Kevin Stuart Carquest Atlantic Canada
Gord MacKenzie Academic Chair at NSCC Akerley Halifax
Kevin Gerrior Apprenticeship Training Manager at NSCC Halifax
Automotive Sector Council Staff
Nikki Barnett Operations Manager Nova Scotia
Shannon Hall Manager of Youth & Industry Engagement Nova Scotia