Changes to the First Aid regulations will come into effect on June 13, 2022. Under the National Occupational Health and Safety Reconciliation Agreement, signed in 2019, Nova Scotia committed to harmonize the workplace first aid training first aid kit requirements based on new Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards.
These amendments respond to stakeholders’ requests to modernize the regulations to improve clarity, reduce regulatory burden for businesses, and harmonize workplace first aid requirements with other jurisdictions where possible. Until the First Aid Regulations is officially published, the regulations can be found in the Royal Gazette. (pages 95-104).
The Safety Branch has produced a plain language document called Workplace First Aid – A guide for Employers and First Aiders. You can find a copy on the web site: Workplace First Aid – A guide for Employers and First Aiders
This document explains the first aid requirements Nova Scotia employers must provide in the workplace, such as what first aid equipment must be available, how many first aiders should be onsite, what training those first aiders should have, and how to write a workplace first aid plan. It is not a replacement for the regulations. We recommend you read the full regulations to understand everything they contain.
First aid training certificates that were issued before the regulations come into force will be valid until they expire. First aid kits that meet the current requirements are in compliance for a period of 12 months after the new regulations come into force.
If you have any questions about the First Aid regulations changes, please contact the Safety Branch at 1-800-9LABOUR (1-800-952-2687) or by email at
Safety Branch