The 2023 Labour Market Information (LMI) report for the Automotive Sector Council (ASC) is underway. The data from the 2023 LMI survey exceeded 200 respondents this year and this represented a 100% increase of industry engagement participation from last year’s survey. Most respondents were from Halifax (33.6%), Lunenburg (7.3%), Kings (9.5%), Colchester (10%), and Cape Breton (7.3%).

There were positive outlooks toward economic growth of the sector. From these positive outlooks, businesses were from Pictou (10.3%), Antigonish (7.5%) and Kings (7.5%).

The survey showed expected increased job positions between 1 – 25 in some businesses. With recruitment and retention being the main challenge of the industry right now, most business highlighted a need for candidates with certifications and knowledge of the trade with personal attributes of integrity and being industrious.

Currently, most businesses hired employees from Halifax (74.6%), but experienced most employee turnover rates of  (76.5%).

The sector is experiencing recruitment and retention challenges at the moment. These challenges were especially shown in businesses from Colchester, Pictou, Kings, Digby, Lunenburg, and Cape Breton. Currently, there is a need for apprentices to equalize the ratio of journeymen to apprentices. The dashboard illustrating these aggregate statistics across industries represented by the Association of Industry Sector Councils would be released soon.
Thank you for completing the survey this year and you can expect to hear from us as we address your business needs as a sector council in the coming months.