Pathways to Success
Pathways is a preparation training course to enter and remain in the workforce, designed to develop skills and knowledge through leveraging online and hands-on training components. Pathways reduces entry barriers while increasing recruitment and retention for youth, displaced workers, equity-deserving groups, and those seeking a career change or developing new competencies.
What is Pathways to Success?
The Automotive Sector Council (ASC) aims to attract job seekers to the Motive Power Industry through Competency-based Training for an Automotive Tire and Maintenance Technician (TMT).
ASC will train and support un-credentialed workers in acquiring necessary competencies through short-term training, enabling them to become certified TMTs within a few months, using assessments through Recognizing Prior Learning (RPL) guidelines.
We currently offer two training pathways:
- Tire and Maintenance Technician
- Collision Repair Prepper