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WCB Offers Free COVID-19 Workplace Prevention Resources

August 26, 2020
HR Planning

COVID19 Sticker

Nova Scotians have done a remarkable job in reducing the spread of COVID-19.  Workplaces are adapting to this new normal and are implementing policies to allow for safe work environments.

To support this safe reopening of Nova Scotia’s economy, Worker’s Compensation Board of Nova Scotia has created a variety of workplace resources.

These COVID-19 prevention materials include: workplace posters, window decals, safety videos, digital screens, and checklists.

These resources are free to employers and can either be download and printed, or delivered to your workplace.

Visit http://www.worksafeforlife.ca/Home/Injury-Prevention/COVID-19/New-Ways-to-Work-Safely to order Workplace Resources and Prevention Materials for your business.