COVID-19 Updates for Retail Gasoline Dealers

COVID-19 Updates for Retail Gasoline Dealers – June 1, 2020

RGDA staff and the Board of Directors have been actively working on your behalf to get support and assistance with your loses during COVID 19 times. Here are the latest updates.

        1. One of our Board of Directors has facilitated a margin review. Eric Kirby (UARB) has suggested that more Retailers email him with their ask and their support of the same increase in margin of 3 cents. Please email at the UARB will either request your information or we will work with you to provide this.
        2. We had a follow up meeting Tuesday morning with the DM Bernie Miller. We asked for a temporary increase for 6 months of an increased margin of 6 cents. They are considering this, however in the meantime, the new Small Business Reopening and Support Grant of $5000 was announced later that day. The Grant gives Independent Retailers the opportunity to apply for this Grant.
        3. From a call with NSBLEC, we were informed by DM Bernie Miller that only Independent gas retailers are part of the new SMALL BUSINESS REOPENING AND SUPPORT GRANT. Independent Gas Retailers are listed in Group 3. A later date in June will be announced when applications can be made. Below is the link for the information on the Grant.

Group 3 – Small independent retail gas dealers

Small, independent retail gasoline dealers, with less than 3 retail outlets, paying the small business tax rate and operating in Nova Scotia between 16 March 2020 and 1 June 2020. Retailers who have experienced a decline in revenue of 30% or more in April or May 2020 are eligible for a one-time grant of $5,000.

Larger gas retailers paying the corporate tax rate and owning more than 3 retail locations are not eligible. Wholesalers are also not eligible.

Kind regards,
Shannon Trites